Polymers or polymer (Polymer) a macromolecule that is composed of many repeating units. Both synthetic and natural polymers play fundamental and pervasive roles in everyday life. The word Baspar is Persian and is made up of two parts, Bas (many) and Par (piece, piece). The word "polymer" is derived from the two Greek parts "polys" meaning many and "meros" meaning part, piece or piece.
The number of repeating units in a large molecule is called the degree of polymerization or the degree of polymerization. Polymers that are made of only one type of repeating unit are called comparators, and those that are made up of several types of repeating units are called co-polymers. The term terpolymer is sometimes used for products resulting from three-piece polymerization. At the same time, in the case of products that are polymerized with more than three fractions, the term non-polymer is common.
More basic materials such as fibers , wood , Ketin, rubber raw materials ( supplies ) and resin polymer. Many synthetic materials such as plastics , synthetic fibers ( nylon , rayon , etc.), adhesives , glass , and porcelain are polymeric materials.