Metallurgy is a branch of materials science that deals with the knowledge and extraction of metals and technologies for working with metals. This science includes the separation of minerals from their ores, smelting, refining and ingot production, improving the properties and preparation of alloys, and the technique of working on metals and forming them. This field is one of the separations of the field of solid mechanics, which has been offered in Iranian universities since 1996. In general, materials science involves the study of the properties of solids and includes metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. The science of metallurgy mainly deals with metals and their structure, and in postgraduate studies, the properties and applications of other solids are also studied.
The term "iron and steel" from the combination of two words of Greek Mtalvn "Metallon" means metal and Oregon "ergon" meaning work was created. This term should not be using the word '' Metallurgy '' that is closely metallurgist and pronunciation was wrong and it must be said that there is no field with this name and its correct metallurgical means metallurgy or Flzvrzy and work with known and knowledge.